Why does everybody
hate programming (and why this must change)?
DSLs and Subject Matter
As you probably know, I spend
my time developing domain-specific languages. In virtually all cases these
languages are intended for use by people who are not trained programmers. They
might be engineers, healthcare professionals, tax law experts or subject matter
experts in various other fields. However, because their expertise is often the
backbone of software systems, this expertise has to make it into the software
somehow. I believe — and can demonstrate through successful projects — that we
can and should build languages and tools that allow subject matter experts to
contribute this expertise directly to software as opposed to
just writing informal documents that are then (mis-)interpreted by “real”
developers and implemented in software. This approach to software development
is described in the Subject Matter First manifesto that I recommend you
check out and then sign.
Everybody Hates Programming
But I wanted to get to a
different (though of course related) point here. I am currently involved in a
DSL project in the healthcare domain. We are in the early phases of the
project, exploring whether a DSL is the right approach (of course it is, IMHO :-)).
We spend our time discussing the details of the domain with subject matter
experts, searching for suitable abstractions and notations, and of course
building prototypes. During all these activities I am hearing the following
sentence (in various guises) over and over again: This sucks, it’s too
much like programming! Sometimes it’s phrased as “this is too complex”
or it is “too technical”. But whatever the phraseology is, it expresses a
distinct aversion against everything that smells like “programming”.
It’s really funny. These same
subject matter experts are able and willing to work with arbitrarily complex
and crappy GUI tools, with bad error messages, lots and lots of clicking,
unsuitable abstractions that require byzantine contortions to express things
and don’t even have ubiquituous undo. They are willing to use low-level
database tools to shoehorn non-trivial structures into relational tables. They
are perfectly ok with writing long and detailed specification documents or
spreadsheets without error checking, code completion and goto definition — and
without any ability to check consistency if they make a change one location in
the document, breaking seven other places. And let’s not even talk about
running or testing things. Yet it’s their responsibility to get things right!
So why is this the case? Why
is it a problem? What can we do? I try to provide some answers in the rest of
the article.
Why does Everybody Hate
Sure, actual programming is
not something for subject matter experts, otherwise they would have become
programmers. But nobody expects them to understand complicated type systems, to
care about performance, memory efficiency, scaling or security, or build their
own general, reusable and composable abstractions — which is what programming
is really about. But we do expect subject matter experts to be able to
precisely specify how “their” domain works and then validate the correctness of
their specification. Because only they can and should determine what is correct
behaviour in the domain. And often they do specify these things in the
aforementioned monster specification documents. Just with bad tool support.
So why is it? First,
introducing something new always runs into resistance. Change is hard. It takes
mental capacity, time and effort. And the approach is legitimately different
from what subject matter experts are used to, so education and training is
needed. But in today’s business climate, most organizations already run at >
90% (perceived) capacity, so making that change in parallel to routine work
(which of course does not stop) is painful. So you fight against it by calling
the new approach “complex” or “technical”.
Also, there may have been
earlier attempts where subject matter experts were paired up with programmers,
attempting to code the subject matter directly in a programming language. And
as we all know, writing code often does require taking care about all those
-ilities mentioned above. It’s very hard to concisely and readably express
subject matter in a general purpose language — things are actually “technical”
or evolve into “complex”. So some subject matter experts might be burned by
past experience.
A final reason is that,
unless you study computer science or some kind of engineering, most folks have
not encountered even the basics of how programmers think and how to talk to
computers in a structured way in their professional education. So they really
have no experience in this kind of work. Which is a major issue. See below.
Why is this a problem?
Because it holds
organizations back. We hear everywhere and all the time that everything is
becoming digital. In almost all domains, computation has become, is becoming or
soon will become a cornerstone. Yet, the people who have the expertise in the
domain can’t really “talk” to these computers. Instead they play a game of
telephone with the computer, intermediated through documents and developers.
That is inefficient in terms
of both effort and quality. It’s also frustrating for everybody involved,
subject matter experts and software engineers alike. In the end, it hurts
competitiveness, blocks innovation and is sabotages business agility.
We really need to change!
This formal specification thing that I propose domain experts should do when
they use a DSL to express subject matter, this flavour of “programming light”
if you will, this needs to be ubiquituous for every professional. It should be
cool, too, not something peope hate!
What can we do?
First of all, publicize the
idea, and explain the difference between programming and
formal-subject-matter-specifying. This is why we wrote the Subject Matter First manifesto.
But we as software engineers
must also ensure that we do keep the complexity of specification/modeling tools
for subject matter experts low. Don’t force them into using general-purpose
languages and tools, but instead build DSLs that are tailored to the domain.
Use suitable abstractions. Use notations that aren’t unnecessarily terse:
higher-order functions on collections can be reformulated as structures that
look like half sentences, nested ifs can be expresssed as tables, and so on.
But even if we do this, it is
still necessary that everybody (yes, everybody!) understands the basic concepts
needed to talk to computers, such as values, functions, variables, the notion
of state and concepts such as modules or specialization, as well as the idea of
testing. I am not suggesting that everybody has to become a programmer and
learn a programming language at school or university (as was fashionable years
ago). But everybody has to understand these basics of thinking (and expressing
oneself) like a programmer, at least for simple cases. This
way, they everybody has the opportunity to take up DSLs and related tools in
order to efficiently talk to computers. This is the thing that really is as
important and reading, writing or math. It must be taught at school, and it
must be a part of every university curriculum.
Further Reading
If you’re interested in a
more extensive and more systematic discussion of this topic, check out this draft
paper I have been writing recently. Or this
attempt at teaching these basics to non programmers.