The split brain of
Why it isn’t enough for a DSL to just capture the domain.
This week I gave the talk for
2021 paper Programming
vs. that thing subject matter experts do. Here’s a video of that
One of the audience members
pointed out that the point I am making in the presentation — that DSLs should
be accessible to subject matter experts (SMEs) — is valid, and that the
languages should be designed exclusively to suit their needs,
even if that means that the models SMEs create with the language are not
directly usable as input to generators, interpreters or analyzers. This is
really very much in contrast to my view. My idea of DSLs is that the subject
matter people create models with these languages, and that we can then directly
use these models as “software ingredients”. In most cases this means that the
models are executable through generation or interpretation.
So this means that it is not
the only goal of a DSL to faithfully and efficiently capture
the core abstractions of a domain. It is necessary for a DSL
to do that, but it is not sufficient for a good DSL. So which
other considerations are there?
Things to consider when
building DSLs
One is rather obvious: the
abstractions must be precise and rich enough to make the language executable
after processing it with a generator or interpreter (I consider analysis as
just another form of execution in this text). So the models might contain some
information that the generator needs, but which are seen as unnecessary by the
SMEs. Sure, you might be able to concern-separate them syntactically, but they
need to be somewhere in the model. Or you might sometimes express something in
a way that is not completely intuitive to SMEs, because it is more precise or
less ambiguous than what they might want to specify intuitively.
Software Engineering Best Practices
Things like separation of
concerns, cohesion and (de-)coupling, modularization, avoidance of duplication
and its counterpart, reuse, are really important once your models become big (and
yes, your models will become big if you build DSLs for real-world domains and
organizations!). Your SMEs might not (initially) understand why this is useful,
but you have to do something to keep complexity in check.
Non-Functional Concerns
Sometimes some parts of your
model must not be seen by certain groups of people (think: vendor-supplier
relationships). This means you might have to separate some parts of the model
into a different artefact so that you can only pass along that part (e.g.,
separate interface from implementation to allow you to just pass the interface
to a supplier). Again, some of your SMEs might not really care about this, but
you still have to consider it. A related issue, at least if you’re working in a
file-based environment is the granularity of locking and/or merge; this might
also force you to add means of physically separating things that might
otherwise be expressed with one language construct.
Tool Capabilities
Yet another concern that
inferes with “make it fit perfectly with the subject matter” are the
capabilities of your DSL tool. For example, it might not support certain kinds
of syntax that might be native or useful for the domain. Or the tool might not
support a particlar collaboration mechamism. Or it might not scale in some way
and you have to design your language “around” that scalability limit. Lots of
things like that in practice with most real-world tools!
User Skills
So you’ve come up with this
really elegant abstraction, and you’ve added some kind of inheritance and
aspect-orientation to your language in order to avoid duplication, but … it’s
really above the head of most of your SMEs. What do you do?
Last but not least, there is
style. As an engineer who prides themselves in designing and building “good”
languages, you might want to make sure that your language isn’t “ugly”, and
that it is stylistically consistent. For example, mixing something Lisp-like
(reduced syntax, few keywords, great composability of language concepts) and
Cobol-like (elaborate syntax with lots of keywords, not-so-great composability)
is probably not a good idea.
What to do if these
How do you work around
contradictions between these concerns? Let’s start with the simplest one. If
you run into tool limitations, you might want to consider changing the tool to
one that suits your situation better. Kinda trivial, but many people don’t do
it (“BUT IT MUST BE TEXT!11!!”)
In many cases the software
engineering best practices contradict with user skills. As I have discussed in my talk,
many SMEs have problems with “advanced” abstractions such as modularity,
interfaces or inheritance. Education and training helps. So does tool support
or pairing with more technical people for joint “cleanup sessions”. But in the
end, if they don’t (want to) understand them, then you can’t use the
abstractions. Sometimes that’s frustrating, but hey, the customer is always
right. A similar thing applies to style. Sure, style isn’t “objective”, but
I’ve had customers with really strange taste :-)
Executability and taking care
of these non-functional concerns are really at the heart of the audience
member’s critique when I gave my talk. Why bother the SMEs with this stuff when
it’s not really part of the core subject matter? Here’s the
thing: I can’t get SMEs to use DSLs (instead of the less
formal/strict/structured tools they have been using so far, often for years and
decades) if they don’t get direct benefits in return. These
benefits are error checking, visualizations, simulation, and tests. In other
words, stuff you only get when you are precise and structured. So this really
isn’t negotiable in my opinion: a DSL will only be used (at scale) if it is
precise and thus, usually executable. If I cannot square this with the skills
or wishes of my SMEs, then a DSL is not the right path for theim.